STK-ID 52825

Series of PAN SHOTS of Lafontaine Park in different seasons. MWS, PAN of park at night in winter, pond is frozen and Christmas decorations are visible in trees (0:48). ZOOM OUT from surface of water to MWS across pond of park on a sunny early autumn day, PAN LEFT of park (1:23). MWS PAN of park in spring, most trees are leafless (2 shots; 2:37). MWS of people on benches lining pond and others sunbathing in lawn, PAN SHOT of park in spring (2:24). MS of man walking ferret on a leash in park (0:29). TILT UP from surface of pond to MWS of park in spring, PAN SHOT of park (2 shots; 2:15). MLS of trees in park in summer with rain falling in pond in foreground, PAN SHOT of park, MS of pedestrians on Sherbrooke Street with trees in foreground, MS of wet footpath (1:17). ZOOM OUT from surface of water to MWS across pond of park on a sunny early autumn day, slow PAN LEFT of park (1:16). MWS PAN SHOT of park in summer (1:02).


Excerpt from
Le mouton noir
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486