HAMWSs and PANS of city shrouded in fog seen from top of tower of Roman Catholic Basilica, wrought iron railing is visible in foreground (1:19). WSs, MWS and PANS of city in sunlight seen from South Side Hills with banks of fog drifting over parts of town, including shot of frigate HMS "Montreal" docked in harbour (2:05). MS, MLS of fishing boat docked in harbour (0:33). Scenic WS of city, lower parts are shrouded in fog, seen from South Side Hills(0:17). LS of houses clinging to the cliffs of The Battery in fog, ZOOM OUT to MSs of docked fishing boat (0:42). MWSs and PAN SHOTS of city and a few docked ships veiled by drifting fog seen from south side of harbour (3:06).