Medium AERIAL SHOT over Winnipeg, Red River winding through city. Medium AERIAL SHOTS over countryside around Winnipeg showing Red River. Low AERIAL SHOT of Fort Garry. MSs of downtown Winnipeg, pedestrian and vehicular traffic, buildings, CU of sign Portage E. and Main. Various exterior shots of Fort Garry, sightseers walking about. Exterior MS of historical museum at Fort Garry. Interior shots of historical museum, displays of old time farm implements, cooking utensils, animal trap, Indigenous crafts. MSs of Upper Fort Garry gate. Various shots of boys playing on antique steam locomotive, the "Countess of Dufferin - CPR No. 1". MS PAN from Red River to sightseers entering gate of Fort Garry. MSs of "Ross House" in Winnipeg, the first post office west of the Great Lakes, opened on 28/02/1855, now a post office and museum. Various shots of archeology students working at site of ruins of old blacksmith shop near Fort Garry.