MWS of tall plume of smoke from forest fire in the Kootenay mountains with veiled sun tinting smoke orange–red (0:27). Beauty shot of sun behind plume of smoke (0:49). MWS of smoke above trees (0:33). FOLLOW LS of helicopter hauling water bucket flying over fire (0:24). MLS of sprinklers watering down roof of Kootenay Park Lodge, PAN to WS of forest fire in mountains, reverse shot (1:15). Great LASs and WSs of sun above or behind tall plume of smoke, giving it an orange tint (2:43). MWSs of dense smoke in hills (1:27). LS of helicopter with bucket flying over fire (0:15). MS of red sun veiled by smoke (1:37). MWS, of mountainside shrouded in dense smoke, PAN of mountains (1:00). MS of top of conifer tree bursting in flames (0:28).