Winter ascent of Mount Assiniboine. AERIAL SHOTs approaching cloud-tipped Mount Assiniboine, hovering over of tiny figures of four mountaineers on standard north face route (4:16). LAMWSs of north face of mountain with snow and clouds blowing off summit and drifting towards the south, seen from base camp (0:28). More AERIAL SHOTS approaching alpinists on edge of north ridge nearing summit (1:42). MLS of snowy slopes in cirque, TILT UP to WS of bluish mountain range (0:44). MWS of nearby mountain peak. ZOOM IN to LALS of summit shrouded in fog (0:51). MS of strong winds blowing snow off ridge (0:41). WS, PAN LEFT of mountain range (0:30). MLS of snowy ridge with mountain landscape in background, PAN RIGHT to MWS of sharp peak (0:20). WS of bluish mountain range, TILT DOWN to MLS of snowy slopes in cirque, reverse shot (0:39). MLS of snowy ridge with mountain landscape in background, PAN RIGHT to LAMLS of sharp peak (0:31).