STK-ID 54416

MLS of Saint-Catherine Street in downtown area after snowfall (0:20). Early morning MWS of snow-covered avenue (0:14). MS of bus # 15 St-Catherine stopping by camera, a man walks over snow bank and boards bus (0:32). HACS of tire tracks in snow-covered street, TILT UP to MWS of deserted Dorchester street looking towards downtown district (0:28). MLS of snow-covered avenue looking east, a church is visible in the distance (0:18). MLS of Saint-Catherine street in downtown area after snowfall, MS of sign of Morgan's department store (0:25). MLS across snowy street of bus depot (0:17). MLS of cars crossing bridge spanning the frozen river (0:34).


Excerpt from
NOEL 1971
Saint Lawrence River, Montreal
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
16mm neg b&w, 16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486