STK-ID 54513

Various shots of Diane Jones taken in Saskatoon in June 1976 training for pentathlon events to take place at 1976 Montreal Olympics. WAS of her and another athlete running around track at the University of Saskatchewan with agriculture buildings and the rest of campus visible in the background. ZOOM IN of two athletes running, MCU of them stopping and cooling down. LS of coach Lyle Sanderson talking to them. CU of Diane running, PAN to coach walking behind her, rain beginning to fall on him. MSs of Jones, coach and other athlete talking while shaking the mud off their shoes and Jones blowing her nose.


Excerpt from
I'll Go Again
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg, 35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio