STK-ID 54591

MS shot of ‘QUEBEC’ sign at border with Ontario after snowstorm with a man blowing thick snow with small tractor in background, various shots of him having trouble blowing hard compacted snow (1:18). MLS of wind blowing snow over snow-covered field (0:12). MLS of snow blowing across country road with high snowbanks on each side, a small truck drives by, closer shot of snow blowing off snowbank (0:36). Forward TRAVELLING SHOT from vehicles driving on same road (0:41). Various shots of strong winds blowing snow across fields and road creating snowdrifts (1:44). More Forward TRAVELLING SHOT from vehicles driving on snow-clogged road (0:29). MS of strong wind blowing snow from right to left over half buried car, MLS of car and farm house with field in foreground (0:34). More Forward TRAVELLING SHOT from vehicles following a small truck on snow-clogged country road (0:34). MLSs of strong winds blowing snow across road as a few trucks and cars drive by (0:38). MS of man blowing snow with tractor, PAN to MLS looking down country road with limited visibility cause by blowing snow, TRAVELLING SHOT on same road, LS of snowblower in village (1:31). MSs of men pushing car stuck in snow with much blowing snow around them (0:32). MWS of farm buildings veiled by snow blowing over field in foreground (3 shots; 1:06). MS of car driving on snow-clogged road, passing by camera, MLS, MS of snow blowing off tall snowbank (0:51).


Excerpt from
Winter Journey
Ontario, Vaudreuil-Soulanges
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486