STK-ID 54858

Silent colour footage of Japanese communist demonstrations at Tokyo University circa late 1940's: WS of demonstrators marching, some with red arm bands and some with a banner that reads, "Make an Even World! Everybody Working! No Firing," some waving red flags. WA PANs of large crowd with red flags visible, closer shots of crowds filling up the square. LS of pagoda, TILT DOWN to crowd. MCUs of Japanese man with communist arm band giving speech, various shots of spectators watching him and applauding. MCU of women in the crowd wearing red hair bands and men wearing communist caps. MS of demonstrators waving the communist flag in sync.


Excerpt from
The Man Who Might Have Been: An Inquiry into the Life and Death of Herbert Norman
Tokyo (city)
National Film Board
Available formats
Shooting format
Betacam SP
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486