Continued from Shot No. 55385 (Part 6/15 of speech): WAS of Prime Minister John Diefenbaker delivering speech to the United Nations Assembly on September 26, 1960. Transcript is as follows:"As I see it, one of the larger tasks of the Assembly will be to ensure that sufficient support is forthcoming to sustain the United Nations in its efforts to revive the financial and economic life of the Congo. I take this opportunity to assure the Assembly that Canada will assume an equitable share of this burden.I believe that the experience in the Congo has demonstrated the need to have military forces readily available for service with the United Nations when required. For its part the Canadian government has held in reserve a battalion transportable by air and earmarked for such service. That experience in the Congo has emphasized, as I see it, the need for the nucleus of a permanent headquarter military staff being established under the United Nations to be in readiness to prevent confusion and to assure cohesion when called upon in an emergency. Canada's views on the Congo and on the larger African problem may be summarized in this way. The African continent must not become the focus of an East-West struggle; it must be free from the direct interference of the major powers. The African nations must be permitted to work out their own destinies..."Continued in Shot No. 55386.