Continued from Shot No. 55388 (Part 12/15 of speech): MCU of Prime Minister John Diefenbaker continuing his speech to the United Nations Assembly on September 26, 1960. Transcript is as follows:"We in Canada have taken one stand in this regard. We have given economic and technical assistance. We do not condone the imposition upon recipient nations of any particular social, economic or political order. We will maintain our contributions to aid programmes. We will make increases.Canada naturally has a family concern for those countries achieving independence within the Commonwealth of Nations. Last week, the Special Commonwealth African Aid Programme was publicly launched. For this purpose Canada will, subject to Parliamentary sanction, make a contribution of 10.5 million over three years towards the development of African countries within the Commonwealth, including some of the dependent territories. There will be technical assistance and aids to education under this plan and assistance in the field of capital investment. We regard bilateral assistance within the Commonwealth as complementary to the United Nations' programme in Africa and we will take every means to ensure that bilateral aid is closely co-ordinated with United Nations programmes. To the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development we have doubled our subscription. We have made financial provision for a contribution to the International Development Association. We believe that the United Nations Special Fund and the expanded programme of technical assistance deserve to have increased contributions. The specific amounts of these contributions will be announced by the Canadian delegate during this session of the United Nations. One of these-the OPEX programme-has proved its effectiveness in providing much needed assistance to new countries. We think it should be made permanent and expanded.We place before you a complementary proposal to establish a roster. We intend, in Canada, to establish a roster of Canadian experts in various fields-ready at short notice to be sent under United Nations auspices to newly independent states requesting them. They can help in setting up or restoring civil administration such as in the Congo, in distress areas or in disaster areas. National action of a stand-by nature is obviously desirable to supplement the United Nations OPEX proposal. We suggest that experts, in an experts' bank..."Continued in Shot No. 8431.