STK-ID 57777

Visual of London; MLSs looking down residential street lined with identical row brick houses in late afternoon sunlight, closer shots of chimneys and bay windows. MLS across street of brick building. CS of man walking his dog. MS of elegant three story brick building on Charing Cross Road. MSs of the Cambridge pub on street corner. MWS looking down street with St Paul's Cathedral visible in the distance. MLS of cobblestone street on a rainy day. MSs of statue on churches' facade. HAS of cemetery. MWs of rooftops with St Paul's Cathedral in background. LAS of multiple brick chimneys on roofs of row housing. MWS across river of churches in central London with amphi-bus going up ramp.


Excerpt from
The Strangest Dream
London (England)
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
Digital Betacam 16/9
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486