MS of single-engine flying boat moored to wharf at Jericho Bay. Shot of Mayor Louis D Taylor handing letters to pilot to be delivered to Mayor M Martin of Montreal and EW Beatty, President of CPR. LS of flying boat taking off. AERIAL SHOTs over Banff Spring Hotel and of mountains. GROUND TO AIR LS of biplane coming in for landing at Cartierville airport. MS of pilot in cockpit handing parcel to two officials. HAS of soldiers on parade at Sir Georges Etienne Cartier Monument. MS of Bishop Gauthier and Mayor Mederic Martin. Sequence on wreath laying ceremonies at John A Macdonald Monument and Charles Tupper grave in Halifax. Shot of Lieutenant-Governor James Cranswick Tory and party. MCS of Lieutenant-Governor speaking. HAS over large crowd waving flags. MS of procession of women dressed in white. Shots of HMS Calcutta moored to wharf, CU of ship's name and LAS of White Ensign flag. Sequence on parade in Saint John, New Brunswick, showing marchers waving small flags and various floats. MLS of Mayor Walter W White delivering speech in park. Sequence on wreath laying ceremony at feet of Sir Samuel Leinard Titley Monument, TILT UP along statue. [titles interspersed]