STK-ID 5838

Several shots of fishermen sorting fish on flakes, town of Baie Verte and buildings in background. LAS of quays, filing and of fishermen forking fish out of dory onto quay. Closer shot of fishermen unloading dory. CU of gloved hands cutting fish on outdoor bench. MLS of eater smashing against rocky shore, rough shed in foreground. CU of rudder of dory, FOLLOW SHOT of dory moving away from camera and towards Bonavista town in background. Interior shots of operations in fish processing plant. Various shots of two fishermen in small dory hauling in nets, scooping out fish from seine with dip nets. HA PAN of waterfront of Baie Verte, Newfoundland showing shacks, fishing dories, wharves. CU of fishermen standing in bobbing dory. MLS of dories on rough seas, coast in background. MSs and MLSs of fishermen in dories, hauling in fish.


Excerpt from
Canadian Profile
Bonavista, Baie Verte
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio