STK-ID 59093

Different activities during Nuit Blanche Montreal High Lights Festival. Dance floor on the Hydro-Québec Celebrating the light site, dancers. Loto-Quebec sphere, DJ. Place Jacques-Cartier. STM Shuttle. Dance recital at City Hall. Exhibition in the UQAM Design Center. Snowy City hall of Montreal and Place Jacques Cartier (Christmas lights). "Bell tower" of City hall. Snow slide on the Place Jacques Cartier. A crowd enters an STM shuttle. Reception hall with a large crowd and music. Luxurious ceiling light. A couple of swing dancers. Ballroom dancing demonstration in a reception hall of City hall. Two dancers fall. Dance class with all the spectators. Series of STM buses for urban transport. People on Place Jacques Cartier with brilliant lighting on the site. Facade of the UQAM Design Centre. Exhibition of various brushes and brooms with visitors. Keywords: BUS,DANSE,DJ,EXHIBIT,MONTREAL HIGH LIGHTS FESTIVAL,CITY HALL,MARCHE BONSECOURS,MONTREAL (CITY),JACQUES-CARTIER PLACE,OLD MONTREAL DISTRICT,SHOW,UQAM,OLD PORT OF MONTREAL


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Available formats
Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486