STK-ID 59121

Charles de Gaulle makes a speech underlining the future of Quebec and France. He continues his visit of Quebec and the surrounding areas. In his speeches, he develops the subject of the autonomy of the Quebeckers. Arrival of Charles de Gaulle to Quebec City hall. Speech by Charles de Gaulle at Quebec City hall. Brass band playing the Marseillaise, on the grandstand, De Gaulle and Daniel Johnson. In studio, Marcel Massé. Visits of Charles de Gaulle in a car, he passes under an Arche de Triomphe reconstituted for the occasion. Crowd, visit of Donnacona by Charles de Gaulle. Crowd, visit of Saint-Anne de Lapérade by Charles de Gaulle. Crowd, visit of Trois Rivières by Charles de Gaulle. Charles De Gaulle gives a speech to the residents of Louiseville. General de Gaulle sings "O Canada". Crowd, Charles de Gaulle visits Berthierville. Keywords: FRANCE,CHARLES DE GAULLE,QUEBEC ,VISIT


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Digital Bétacam
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Digital Betacam
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720 x 486