Important political and military actors of the landing at Normandy and the Second World war. Charles de Gaulle arrives in France, he gets off a boat, discusses with soldiers, then leaves in a military vehicle. Charles de Gaulle walks on Champs-Élysées, followed by a crowd. De Gaulle deposits a sheaf of flowers on the Grave of the Unknown Soldier. De Gaulle standing in front of the Arc de Triompe. Charles de Gaulle walks on Champs-Élysées, followed by a crowd of Frenchmen, shouts and applause. Men who walk by holding a banner " Front national de la résistance, Liberation ". Crowd of celebrating Frenchman assembled on Champs-Élysées. Flag of France is hoised on the Arc de triomphe French in the crowd who make the sign of the victory, a V using their major and index. Immense crowd assembled on Champs-Élysées. Keywords: CHAMPS-ELYSEES,FLAG,FRANCE,PARIS