STK-ID 59144

Visit by Charles de Gaulle who attends the National Day of France, on the Place des Nations. Fanfare, Place des Nations, National Day of France. VIP, Place des Nations, National Day of France ZOOM IN PM Charles De Gaulle and Pierre Dupuy. Canadian and French flags fluttering in the wind PM Navy Cadets in the stands. Military parade and fanfare, Place des Nations, Terre des Hommes. Crowd cheering, Place des Nations, National Day of France. Charles De Gaulle reviews the honor guard, Place des Nations. Flags of Nations, Place des Nations PAN PC speech by Charles De Gaulle Place des Nations, crowd. Parade of navya cadets. Show by the navy cadets orchestra. Keywords: EXPO 67,FRANCE,THEMATIC DAY,MONTREAL


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Available formats
Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486