STK-ID 59162

Wind squalls knocked down tractor-trailers. SQ had to close the highway and divert the traffic. Congestion on Highway 20 East. Grasses blowing in the wind. Road sign indicating violent winds for 4km. Dense traffic, numerous trailers, moves slowly; SQ patrol car drives on the shoulder. Vehicles move slowly. SQ patrol car blocks the road and diverts the traffic towards an exit. Congestion on the Arthur-Branchaud bridge, over the Richelieu river. Tow trucks overturned on Highway 20; road panels sqay in the wind. Tow trucks waits on the side of the road, near the overturned trucks; SQ patrol car. Rushes swept by the wind. SQ patrol car on watch, revolving lights on. Keywords: ROAD ACCIDENT,HIGHWAY 20,TOW TRUCK,ROADSIGNS,SQ


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Digital Bétacam
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Digital Betacam
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720 x 486