STK-ID 59169

Pedestrians in the streets of Merida and on Bolivar Plaza. "Yes" and "No" graffiti on the walls, pro-referendum partisans riding around in small vans with red flags. Context: constitutional reform referendum. Pedestrians in a very rich street of Mérida in Venezuela. Flag of Venezuela floating at the end of a mast on a building. Simon Bolivar''s statue. Street scenes, numerous pedestrians and motor traffic. Partisans of "YES" in a small van decorated with red flags that circulates in a street of Mérida. Graffiti for and against the reform of the constitution on a wall of cut stones. Pedestrians in a street, a graffiti of "No" in the background. Passers-by on Bolivar plaza. Statue of a rider (Simon Bolivar?). Green garden in Bolivar plaza. Keywords: CONSTITUTION,MUNICIPALITY,REFERENDUM,VENEZUELA


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Available formats
Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486