STK-ID 59176

Hotels and traffic in Siem Reap, a city near Angkor in Cambodia. Hotels in construction. Many tourists visit the temples of Angkor Wat. Architectural details and bas relief. Signs of deterioration of the temples. "Tian Yuan Foot Massage" sign, traffic in the forefront. Two farmers transport their harvest by bicycle (facing the camera). An overloaded truck passes, opposing traffic in the forefront. Sign of a tourist attraction: "Cambodian Cultural Village". New hotel, facade completed but not the landscaping ( no workers). A sculptor puts some cement on a sculpture of an elephant on the facade of the hotel. Ad sign showing three men, one of whom is Prime Minister Hun Sen in the middle PAN PG small truck sunk on the construction site (vice versa). Darkened rice paddy, big beautiful clouds and a little blue sky (no farmers at work). A Cambodian boy brings an agricultural tool to his father. Two boys bathe in a pond of the rice paddy. Rice paddy, white reflections in the water. Keywords: ASIA,CULTURAL GOODS,CAMBODIA,TRAFFIC,CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION,CONSTRUCTION,HOTEL TRADE,TOURISM


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Digital Bétacam
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Digital Betacam
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720 x 486