STK-ID 59184

Scenes of daily life in the shantytown of Dharavi, in Bombay (Mumbai) in India. CONTEXT: Bombay wants to demolish one of the biggest shantytowns of Asia to build skyscrapers, but the promoters face the about 400 thousand Indians who live and work in Dharavi, a shame for a city which dreams of becoming the new Shanghai. A human garbage dump, in the heart of Mumbai, where are piled up the forgotten of the economic growth. Indian cow in an enclosure, CU eye. In a path of the shantytown, young men mold some clay with their feet. Feet which mold. In small alleys of the shantytown, children, facades of the small homes, scenes of the daily life, children who do their hair, etc. Family which poses for the news team, group photo in front of their entrance. Indian woman on the paths of the shantytown. People on a beach of Bombay at sunset. Indian population of Bombay, on the beach, women''s feet in the water. Family on the beach. Indian Moslem couple on the beach with young child, veiled woman (Niqab). A lot of people roaming on the beach. Beautiful faces, Indian mother with her young child. Family in their environment, sitting on the ground, during a meal. Children with tins of water near their place of residence, fill tins. Family in their kitchen, sitting on the ground near a stove. Members of the family drinking and eating. Family on pillows in their living room, relaxing, children play. Young ladies who do the dishes outside, wash pots. A young lady at home, doing her hair. Train which passes near the shantytown, empty lot with waste on the ground. Crammed passenger train passes. Alleyways of the shantytown, the population, the daily life, washing of clothes near homes. Preparation of a meal inside a house of the shantytown, the family during the meal. Potters who make vases in a small workshop of the shantytown. Potters at work, stored jars. Keywords: ARTS AND CRAFTS,SHANTYTOWN,BOMBAY,CHILD,FAMILY,WOMAN,VEILED WOMAN,HOUSE,INDIA,ISLAM,BEACH,MEAL,SUN,TRAIN,PUBLIC TRANSPORT,RAIL TRANSPORT,URBANISM


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Digital Bétacam
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Digital Betacam
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720 x 486