STK-ID 59354

A team from Radio-Canada Television is at the Red Cross hospital in Kigali, filming surgeries performed on those mutilated by the massacre (by machete or shell). At the end, Bertrand Hall speaks with Edith Baeriswyh, assistant manager of the Red Cross in Burundi and with one of the surgeons. Bertrand Hall and his team in a vehicle, dead bodies on the road secretly filmed by the television cameraman. Kigali Hospital, wounded are lying on stretchers. A man undresses one of the wounded. Red Cross hospital. Back of a Red Cross truck covered in blood. Make-shift roadblock, two armed men stand at attention. Hospital, shot of mutilated leg, the surgeon practices an intervention and explains the type of wound (shell fragment). Keywords: AFRICA,TRUCK,SURGERY,RED CROSS,GENOCIDE,HOSPITAL,RWANDA


Excerpt from
Available formats
Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486