STK-ID 59395

Rebellion of 1837-1838. Winter landscapes in Niagara Falls and escape of a rebel in the woods. No actors, extras only, period costumes (1830-1860). Shooting location: Niagara Falls. Ripened cattails (white foam) that sway in the wind (various shots). Bundled up rebel sitting, leaning against a tree. Feet of a man sitting on the ground littered with dead leaves. Bundled up man sitting leaning against a tree in the wood partly covered with snow. The man gets up and walks leaning on a stick (several takes). Footprints in the snow and TILT to the man who walks with difficulty, falls and rises (angles and various shots). Man seen from the front (shoulder to foot) works hard in the woods (various takes, angles and shots). Niagara Falls, blocks of ice and frozen river. Blocks of ice at the foot of the falls. Flowing water from the falls in front of which birds fly (full screen). Water flowing between blocks of ice. Falls and ice blocks at the foot of the falls (various shots). Rapids and top of the falls. Cascades over the rocks at the bottom of the falls (full screen). Water flowing covered with melting ice . Falls and water vapor. Mass of water flowing at the top of the falls (various shots). Top of the fall (angles and various shots). Hundreds of gulls on the ground on the rocks and snow near the river. Top of Niagara Falls side views and water vapor. Large flow of water at the drop point. Twigs and river water in the background (change of focus, various shots). Tree branches without leaves, blue sky and half moon (various shots). Sunset, orange sky, trees against the light. Navy Island, river, tree branches in the foreground (angles and various shots). Orange sky at sunset, leafless tree against the light. Leafless trees against the light on orange sky (full screen). Keywords: CANADA,WATER,FOREST,HISTORY,BIRD


Excerpt from
Available formats
Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486