STK-ID 59939

Shenyang City in China. Red sun. Visible air pollution (smog). Cyclists, many of whom wear a mask. Power lines (pylons). Traffic. Fraco, Quebec Company plant in China. Toshiba factory in the industrial park of the city. Outside and inside the Ouellet plant (manufacture of electric baseboard). Quebec Shenyang Industrial Park (sign). Building of a factory not ide.jpgied with signs in Chinese writing in Shenyang in China. Deserted building without sign. Sign "Quebec Shenyang Industrial Park" with Chinese writing on a wall. Golden sign Ouellet company with logo and Chinese writing. Ouellet facility entrance with large sign "Ouellet Shenyang Inc". on the wall, Jean-François Lépine enters the building. A Chinese worker makes a baseboard heater in the Ouellet plant, thread of suspended screwdrivers. Hands of a worker manipulating a copper wire with a screwdriver in one hand. Hands of the worker posing a screw on the casing of the stove. Profile of a worker with eyes downcast to his work (dark). Men at work in the factory of Ouellet company. Upper part of a tour of the Toshiba plant (white tower in blue sky). Panoramic view of an industrial area partially constructed (with a section of vegetation seen through a window). Fraco plant, the Quebec company in Shenyang, a man walking on the deserted road. Sign "Fraco Construction Machine Co Ltd" with Chinese writing on the cover sheet of the plant. Two Chinese at work among pieces of concrete pipe (what they do is not clear). Two-storey building under construction (one side is covered with a canvas and scaffolding) PAN man standing next to his bicycle. Traffic flow in the city of Shenyang, motorcycles, buses and many people carried in a truck box with three wheels. Women cyclists with coats including three side by side wearing a mask over their mouth. Traffic with motorcycles and mixer coming towards the camera, orange light and orange reflection on the street. Row of pylons up to the sun and dark traffic at the bottom of the image (smog). Setting sun in a black sky (with ZOOM becoming off focus and completely orange). Traffic among which a delivery tricycle is carrying objects under a tarpaulin. Worker with helmet mounted in a pylon. A man talking on a cellphone near the pylon where are the workers (circulation to the foreground). Lots of cyclists coming towards the camera (cross traffic from the front). Chinese boy in uniform sitting on his bicycle without advancing, he looks around. Small dog in the basket of the bicycle with the boy''s hand who pets it TILT UP boy. Keywords: ASIA,CHINA,CHINESE,TRAFFIC,CYCLING,CHILD,INDUSTRIAL PARK,SUN,WORKER,FACTORY


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