Sequence on garden party at Rideau Hall showing elegant guests sitting, group of women singing, guests and the royal guests milling around the newly dedicated statue of Wilfrid Laurier. HASs of Centenary Choir and of large crowds on Parliament Hill. Nice LAS of the Union Jack flying against a cloudy sky. Sequence on the royal guests arrival showing Governor general and Lady Willingdon getting ready, royal guests stepping off train, shaking hands with welcoming party. Shots of welcoming ceremony on dais showing Prime Minister Mackenzie King welcoming the two Princes and British Prime Minister Sir Stanley Baldwin on ornate dais. MS PAN of the Princes, Baldwin, Mackenzie King and members of the Cabinet posing. Shots of guests leaving by car. HALS of Parliament Buildings Center Block, including TILT UP Peace Tower, large crowd on Parliament Hill. LAS of Union Jack flag flying. Shot of official car arriving, escorted by mounted guards. Sequence on Prince of Wales inspecting Guard of Honour. HALS PAN of Center Block, large crowd visible in lower foreground. Sequence on official welcoming ceremony of Royal Princes showing Prime Minister Mackenzie King reading address on dais. [titles interspersed]