STK-ID 6230

Shots of people crowding around Prince of Wales' car as he leaves, of motorcade driving in (almost knocking down an elderly woman) and circling to a stop in front of public building. HAMSs of royal car driving away, of hundreds of people milling about in square as Prince's party walk briskly towards off-frame destination. MS of bridge of Canada Steamship Lines cruise ship, Prince's party on board. Shot of stern half of four-decker ship moving away followed by a tugboat. TRAVELLING SHOT of Quebec City streets as seen from open trolley moving under Porte Saint-Louis and past 1924 model cars lining street. Shots of building bordering Plains of Abraham. HAMSs and MLSs of crowd at Montreal docks awaiting Prince of Wales and Prince George stepping off CSL steamer cruise ship. Shot of Princes with Lieutenant-governor Perodeau and assorted army officers standing and waiting. Various shots of Princes' party inspecting Royal 22e Regiment Honour Guard, of prime minister Mackenzie King chatting with another man, of Royal party leaving Montreal docks by landau and motor car.


Excerpt from
Canada Welcomes Princes and Prime Minister Baldwin
Quebec City, Montreal
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486