STK-ID 6345

Various shots of delegates gathered around table at General Assembly Meeting of the United Nations in Paris, France (00/00/1948). Shots include views of Right Honourable William Lyon Mackenzie King, General AGL McNaughton, Lionel Chevrier of Canada alternatively talking and listening at conference. Shots also include views of foreign delegates at United Nations Meeting; George C Marshall of United States, Andrei Y Vyshinsky of Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, President of General Assembly, HV Evatt of Australia and Wang Shih-Chien of China. Shot of McNaughton and Mackenzie King chatting informally.


Excerpt from
Canadian Delegation to United Nations
Paris (France)
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio