Niagara Bridge Centennial (06/08/1948): shots of Jack Canuck and Uncle Sam shaking hands across border, border plaque in background, of two men and two girls in antique costumes sauntering by camera, of bands from both countries marching on bridge. Shots of prayers by Reverend W Wallace, of Mayor Houck of Niagara Falls, Ontario, introducing Premier George Drew, of Drew delivering speech. Shots of audience listening. Shot of Mayor W Luton of Niagara Falls, New York, introducing Lieutenant-governor Hanley of New York State, of Hanley delivering speech. Shots of Hanley and Drew unveiling commemorative plaques, of Drew tying ribbon of friendship. Shots of principals shaking hands in front of boundary plaque. Shots of crowd at Canadian entrance of bridge, of rapids and TILT UP to whirlpool bridge, of ceremony at centre of bridge. CU of rapids. Shots of crowd listening to ceremony, new CN diesel crossing bridge. Sequence on fireworks.