MS of small printing press. PAN to other press, man supervising. Cut to MS of press and TILT DOWN to print coming off, small posters entitled "This is Canadianism". Shots of young apprentice shovelling lead scrap into small melter, opening gate and letting molten lead pour out. MS and CUs of linotype operator, his hands on keyboard, of various parts of machine in operation. MS of operator examining work through magnifier. Sequence showing goat auction at auction mart, men attending, auctioneer. MCS of head of cheetah, ZOOM OUT to whole animal, keeper Al Oeming, photographer and camera in foreground. CU of face of Oeming, MS of him and cheetah. Sequence on pig farm in winter, snow on ground, pigs in pen. MSs of pigs moving about, feeding. Shot of several men, women and priest sitting around table making tuques. ZOOM IN on priest trying on Centennial tuque. CU of senior man's hands whittling plug tobacco, stuffing pipe. Profile CU senior man. Cut to his hands playing piano. TILT DOWN from dusty spider web to calendar dating back to January 1936. Front TRAVELLING SHOT of small-town train station at night, snow, few people on platform, "Saint Paul" sign over station in background. Shot of diesel train pulling in. Shot of Maple Leaf flag, TILT DOWN to Centennial Maple Leaf. HAS of outdoor skating rink, children playing hockey, priest in cassock coaching.