Cardinal McGuigan Returns Home (30/03/1946): shot of Cardinal McGuigan speaking to camera on his return from Rome where he was named Cardinal (sound). Several shots of elaborate welcome he received from city of Toronto, Knights of Columbus honour guard, parade along Yonge Street, greetings at city hall by mayor Robert Saunders, wreath laying at Cenotaph, huge crowds, meeting with premier George Drew at Legislature (not shown). Shots of decorations at Cardinal's residence, of Cardinal's crest. Shot of McGuigan being greeted by Archbishop Ildebrando Antoniutti, apostolic delegate. Various interior shots of Saint Michael's Cathedral, Cardinal McGuigan officiating in pomp and ceremony. Shots of procession wending its way around Saint Michael's. Shots of men posing, from left to right, Dom Pascome Caboury, abbot of La Trappe, Most Reverend Turquetil, titular Bishop of Ptolemais, Bishop of the Arctic. Shots of McGuigan posing with Monsignor Antoniutti. Interior shots of the Cardinal posing in his ecclestastical robes, sitting, standing in front of picture of Pope Pius XII. Shots of the Cardinal strolling on snow-covered walk.