Shot of scientist setting up automatic recording machine. HAMLS of men and women cleaning fish on beach. MLS two-masted fishing boat at sea, man waving to it in extreme foreground. MS of fishing boat taken to water, men jumping in seconds after boat has been launched from beach. BOATING SHOT of waterfront, fishing boats, priest blessing boats, piers and the odd building reflected in mirror like water. LS of four two-masted fishing boats sporting one sail each, sailing by camera. LAMCS of small bell used for fire alarms swinging madly. DOLLY SHOT along row of white-smocked students at work in Laval University biological station. MCS of students hauling hard on net as they try to bring it in. MS of scale, hand putting sardine on it, other hand taking down reading. HASs of students digging for clams with pitchforks on beach. Interior shot of students classifying clams, opening them. Shot of sea life and various objects as seen through sea water. Shot of two specimens of sea life. Microphotography of lobster egg with wriggling larva visible. LAS of surf coming in towards the camera, two sails visible in the extreme distance. Various shots of students at work, of professors aboard. MLS of Laval University biological station on sea shore.