STK-ID 6870

MCSs of mechanics working on a car motor at Hodge Service Station on boulevard Saint-Croix in Ville Saint-Laurent. Exterior shots at Hodge garage, of pump attendant at work, snow in evidence on the ground, of a man walking out of garage office, entering a smashed car parked nearby, taking papers out of it, going into his car to get a polaroid, taking pictures of damaged car and filling up forms, of pump attendant talking with a customer in car, with towing truck driver putting gasoline into his truck in background, of pump attendant at work with vehicular traffic in background. Inside MCS of a garage employee talking into a CB. Various shots from different angles of mechanics working on a Volkswagen jacked up inside garage. (00/01/1975).


Excerpt from
Chronique de la vie quotidienne
Saint-Laurent (city)
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio