STK-ID 6874

Sequence on tank truck laying on its side on Metropolitan Boulevard, policemen, fire brigade, garage mechanics and other men around, no vehicular traffic on accident side of the boulevard, "BP" tank truck arriving on scene of accident, fire brigade around truck and crossing other side of Metropolitan Boulevard in traffic with hose. Shots of man working on truck, of helicopter flying over, of firemen covering spot of gaz ? with sand while transferring it from damaged truck to "BP" one, of lights flashing on top of towing trucks and police cars, no vehicular traffic on both sides of the Metropolitan Boulevard, snow falling. Shots of large crane on accident site, men working at setting tank truck upright with crane, of operation, men rushing around, of truck back on tires. (00/01/1975)


Excerpt from
Chronique de la vie quotidienne
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486