STK-ID 7008

Two shots from different angles of Sir Winston Churchill arriving at Chateau Frontenac, being greeted by the federal cabinet and prime minister William Lyon Mackenzie King. Federal cabinet includes CD Howe, CG "Chubby" Power, James Lorimer Ilsley, Douglas Abbott, Colonel Ralston and others. Shot of crowd of people waving. LAS of Chateau Frontenac from lower town. Shot of Chateau Frontenac courtyard, of Churchill's limousine arriving, of crowd of VIP's surrounding him. CS of handshakes, of Sir Winston Churchill posing with federal cabinet. LALS of Chateau Frontenac. Several CUs of people in crowd waiting for Churchill's arrival. MLSs of crowd, some waving. TILT DOWN facade of Chateau Frontenac to ELS of small group of people waiting at main entrance. Shot of two Royal Canadian Mounted Police guarding entrance to inner courtyard. Shot of Royal Canadian Mounted Police and two soldiers checking credentials of two officers, men entering. Shot of Royal Canadian Mounted Police and soldiers guarding courtyard. HAS from upper floor of Sir Winston Churchill's arrival. TILT DOWN Chateau Frontenac to crowd in front. (00/08/1943)


Excerpt from
Churchill's Arrival at Chateau Frontenac
Quebec City
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, HDCAM SR
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486, 1920 x 1080