STK-ID 71769

Fort Worth, Texas, VARIOUS SHOTS of employees making the famous Justin Boots cowboy boots. Women are drawing leather shapes for the inside of the sole. A man is cutting the leather. Other women are gluing the leather shapes onto felt. Several women in a large workshop are expertly carving patterns into the leather with needles activated by sewing machines. Others are sewing the lining of the boot directly onto the leather, and the top of the boot to the part that covers the foot. A big machine shapes the body of the boot, once the lining has been glued to both sides. Another team is adding the inside contour of the sole and using some sort of pliers to pull the leather back around and place it properly around the sole, and is then nailing everything together. And lastly, another team of employees is putting the leather on the sole with a machine. We see a series of boots, each one with a different design. Each boot gets one last polish before the process is finished.


Excerpt from
Hard Rider
Fort Worth
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Video Disk, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
1920 x 1080