STK-ID 72071

VARIOUS SHOTS in the fall. A shot from a boat goes along the Algonquin Kitigan Zibi reserve near Maniwaki, Québec. Visible are wooden tipi frames, houses, small wooden cabins, a tipi, motorized canoes tied up to small quays, and canoes overturned in the grass near the water. A road sign with peeling green paint says “Réserve indienne” and, beside it, a white sign with black lettering indicates Kichi Mikan Road. A building with the sign “Kitigan Zibi Health and Social Services” is visible along with a sign indicating the “Kitigan Zibi Education Council.” A shot from a car passes in front of the community centre, then an indigenous craft shop on a lot with a tipi. In a tipi, in front of a wood fire, William Commanda/Ojigkwanong, Algonquin chief, chants and beats a drum. He wears a hat with a feather, a necklace with a metal bird’s head, glasses, and a deerskin jacket decorated with flowers. His grandson sits beside him, listening.


Excerpt from
Ojigkwanong - Rencontre avec un sage algonquin
National Film Board
Available formats
Born Digital
Shooting format
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486