Various shots of street scenes in Ouagou Niayes neighbourhood. MS of pedestrians walking next to horses pulling trailers full of barrels. CS of hand-painted mural showing pregnant young woman and man and saying « pour éviter les grossesses précoces ou non désirées » (to avoid early or unwanted pregnancies). CS of another mural showing three men injecting themselves with a syringe and saying « La drogue tue et peut entraîner le VIH/Sida » – « Ouvre tes yeux et fais-toi dépister » (drugs kill and can lead to HIV/AIDS – open your eyes and get tested). WAS PAN of public square. MS of equestrian statue, TILT DOWN to family begging in traffic. MS of women and young children near hairdressing salon. WAS of young children playing ball. CS of man’s hand pouring tea. Various shots of local people, children, porters and burnt garbage in street.