STK-ID 72738

VARIOUS SHOTS filmed around Newcastle, Ontario. A Mexican worker wearing a cap and kneeling in a field cuts bok choy plants. In a field, two Mexican workers bring closed cardboard boxes full of vegetables to a central point. A tractor driven by a Mexican worker and pulling a rolling platform stops beside the boxes. The tractor driver gets down and helps the other workers put them on the platform. The tractor moves forward, the driver looks back, then stops and backs up. He stops to allow other workers to load boxes onto the platform. Four Mexican workers ride bicycles down a road, struggling against the wind. A tractor drives slowly in a field, pulling a platform piled with boxes, upon which can be read “Fresh Oriental Vegetables.” As the platform is pulled along, Mexican workers place other boxes on it, supervised by a worker standing on the platform, who puts the boxes in place. Two Mexican workers are working in a field, with farm buildings visible in the distance. Another Mexican is working in another field alongside a road. On a sign at a street corner is written “Durham Hwy 2.” A Mexican worker wearing sunglasses and a cap waters young bok choy plants on a platform. Two trailers in poor repair serve as living quarters for the Mexican workers. A Mexican worker walks in a field and sprays plants with a hand-pumped sprayer strapped to his back.


Excerpt from
Earth to Mouth
National Film Board
Available formats
Born Digital
Shooting format
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486