STK-ID 73018

HA TILT PAN from bottom of pit to top. HA same with (t..en) in pit in distance. LS of far side of pit, with truck moving down. LS Crusher and Mill buildings at Oka. LSs, MSs ans CUs surveyors at work in pit. MS of test drill. TILT DOWN to pit. PAN to rest of pit. PAN BACK to drill. CS of operator. TILT DOWN to pit (bit). TILT UP to second operator. MCS technician looking at piece of core from test drill. MS of technician looking over rack full of cores, another man is shown testing piece of core in hand vise. MCU of man standing by electronic tester. LS same eith another man in FG sitting at table examining ore samples. SEQ showing front end loader loading truck with ore. LS trucks, front end loader loading. LAS of truck. MLS truck backing up to loader, being loaded. MS of truck backing up. MCU of truck dumping ore into crusher. TILT DOWN from helmeted worker to ore in crusher. MS, CU of ore falling into crusher. PAN TILT DOWN to crushed ore below crusher being moved away on belt conveyor, with crushed ore moving rapidly on belt. MS of conveyor at ''Mill End''. TILT DOWN form LS of men on ramp to HA of revolving drums. MS, DU end on, of drums. SEQ on refining of columbium (niobium). MS man filling drums with columbium, storing same in storehouse.


Excerpt from
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio