STK-ID 7303

Polymer: PAN over large synthetic rubber plant. Shots of first anniversary ceremony, crowd of guests, VIP's on dais, CD Howe at microphone (silent). PAN over display of synthetic rubber goods made at Polymer. Shot of CD Howe and Labour minister Mitchell touring the plant. TRAVELLING SHOT of various components of plant. Interior shot of laboratory, technician mixing two liquids together to get almost instanteneous transformation into synthetic rubber. Several shots of various steps in making of synthetic rubber in commercial quantities, liquids flowing, rubber forming on rollers, peeling off, being processed, cut, packed, inspected. Shot of large truck leaving plant with load of rubber destined for finishing plants.


Excerpt from
Canada Communique No 14
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w, 35mm negative optical soundtrack
Aspect ratio