STK-ID 73346

Series of atmosphere shots of Entry Island in summer; CS of wind chime swaying in the wind. MWSs of village and lighthouse. MCS of sign in harbour of ferry to Cap-aux-Meules. MS of man painting railing of his fishing boat. MLS of isolated house, a man is driving tractor in field. MLSs of school, closer shots of youngsters riding away on quads, LAS of sign of Entry Island School. LSs of lighthouse with tall grass swaying in the wind in foreground.


Excerpt from
Short Infinity
Entry Island
Short Infinity (Glacialis)
Available formats
Reel 16 mm, HDCAM SR, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
Super 16mm color neg
Aspect ratio
16/9, ANAMORPHIC_4/3
Available resolutions
1920 x 1080