MS of Grand Coulee Dam, top of hydro tower in foreground. MS of dam from downstream, TILT DOWN to wall of water spilling down dam structure. CU of water from top of dam, TILT UP to LS of downstream channel. HAMLS of Grand Coulee Dam looking up river. CU of thick jet of water coming out of dam face, TILT DOWN jet to very rough water. HALS of Dalles Dam, bridge spanning Columbia River, surrounding country in background. LAMS of face of dam, "The Dalles" written across it, TILT DOWN to panel truck driving across roadway over dam away from camera. PAN from top of electrical power pylons to LS of McNary Dam. HAS over rough water, TILT UP to LS of "Chief Joseph Dam". Several CUs of water spilling through dams, TILT DOWN to rough foamy water of river.