Atlantic convoy: ELS of silhouette of the British battleship "Duke of York". Cut to closer shot of silhouette of battleship "George V". ELS of battleship firing broadsides. HAS of camera battleship firing forward batteries. PAN of ships in convoy in distance. Side view of one of the ships, a troopship. Cut to LAS of some of the camera ship's crew. HAS from bridge, of white water inundating bow of camera ship as she cuts through heavy swell. Head on LS of an aircraft carrier, no aircraft on deck. Cut to bow of camera ship as white water floods over forecastle. Another shot of aircraft carrier and cut to LSs of two Fairey Swordfish torpedo biplanes landing on it. PAN of silhouette of sailor looking through binoculars through a port. LS of aircraft carrier, with main batteries of camera ship visible in the foreground. Similar shot of aircraft carrier, with wake of the camera ship in foreground.


Excerpt from
Actualités canadiennes nº 14
Atlantic Ocean
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486