Part 5 of five programmes. This programme begins with Tom Daly speaking of McLaren almost word for word what he says in CREATIVE PROCESS: NORMAN MCLAREN – that Norman was a creator of new worlds with different laws and his creations behaved according to the laws of those worlds. It is very good. He also gives an example of Norman’s skill at problem solving. How he had done the multilingual titles for a film with 9 frames for each title and people found them too quick to read. McLaren solved the problem not by increasing the length of time on the screen, but by cutting each title to one frame with eight frames of black. I (Don McWilliams) found when working with McLaren on NARCISSUS and studying other films like BLINKITY BLANK that he really knew how to use black frames. McLaren understood not just movement but perception. We then hear from Evelyn Lambart – good and as she was always, overly modest about her contribution to McLaren’s success. After that we hear from Maurice Blackburn. Good here too. McLaren is next and he talks about his historical place in his usual self-deprecating yet realistic way – that film is ephemeral, unless there is some new technology to extend its life. Of course, McLaren was speaking before the digital age. Following this, we hear from John Robert Colombo, the Canadian poet, with who Norman collaborated. Colombo published a limited edition poem and Norman provided a serigraph. McLaren speaks of his five faces. Two combined: the artist and craftsman. Two combined: the maker of picture and the maker of sound. And the last, “Plans, my dreams, my inner self – that’s the secret – that could be my fifth face, and it is invisible”.