STK-ID 76398

DL07000.000 (deux fois 36 minutes, l'un en 4:3 letterbox et l'autre en anamorphique) 1. Varied Waves & masks. Including square, sine, and zither strings. Sound tracks is on right, we see what was on the table at the time of shooting. 2. 14 to the Bar, etched sound, rhythm tests, vol: size of scratch; angle: attack and decay. 3. Saw tooth waves and sine wave test. Not a pure saw tooth. The double peak shape produces a harmonic; curved form makes it closer to a sine wave. 4. Zipatone Test Very early test 1940s; photographing patterns made of zipatone. 5. Paganini Variations. Uncompleted variations – sq. waves 6. John Souch Using variable density soft edge line cards; soundtrack on the right. We see what is on the table during shooting. 7. Jazz Pizzicato: Separate parts of incompleted version (April ’49) of Leroy Anderson’s Jazz Pizzicato. 8. Hand drawn sound test. Pitches in counterpoint making harmony with different volumes and rhythms 9. Hand drawn sound test. Test 1 Brush marks of various sizes. Number of masks controls pitch. 10. 5/4 Etched sound late 1950s 11. Variable Area Sound Track. A movie film consists and the sound married together on the same strip of celluloid. The sound track is an optical translation of sound waves; the image is a variable area sound track. 12. Bartok Pizzicato. Uncompleted variations. Four part harmony with multiple exposures up to 4 cards and use of masks. Sound track is on the right. We see what is on the table during shooting. 13. Mask Tests. Testing masks of various shape of sizes. Masks control the sound. Soundtrack is on the right. We see what was on the table at the time of shooting. 14. Microtone Improvisation March 1951 with radiating lines (suggested by John Cage). Soundtrack is on the right of the frame. We see what is on the table at the time of shooting. Square Wave Wedge Tests 15. Square Wave Wedge Tests Wedge direction controls attack and decay of note. 16. Early movie circa 1939. Hand drawn sound and picture 17. Square Wave Octave Tests. Fewer the striations, lower the pitch. Sizes of striation controls volume. 18. Visible Music. First test of Synchromy. Square Wave based on Le Merle Melody. Harmony of as many as five notes with different attack and decay. 19. Music rehearsal Test for Synchromy. Square Wave based on Le Merle Melody.


Excerpt from
Norman McLaren's Archives and Personal Files
McLaren Collection
Available formats
Digital Video Disk
Aspect ratio