STK-ID 78251

Integral shooting of ''SPIRIT OF ANNIE MAE, THE'' : FI16480.009 (SD-9, SD-10, SD-11, SD-12). SD-9 : In South Dakota, PAN of prairies with cloudy sky (potential for timelapse). Rural area houses and road. Bureau of Indian Affairs and Pine Ridge Agency building. Tetuwan(?) National Headquarter building. SD-10 : Prairies near mountains in South Dakota. A woman walking near the mountains. Teepees. A woman riding a horse. Many takes of young girls reading a sign with the inscription ‘’Massacres Wounded’’. Rural area : parking, cars, road and pick-up trucks. (June 27th, 2001). SD-11: South Dakota, various shots and takes of a woman with fabric in the wind, in the mountains kneeling or praying. ELS rocky mountains, landscape and beauty shots. (June 27th, 2001). SD-12 : South Dakota, prairies and some bungalows in rural area. Two young boys hanging out in the street. Road in rural area, some houses. ELS of rocky mountains. Sunflowers with rocky mountains in background, two young women running in the grass (June 27th, 2001).


Excerpt from
The Spirit of Annie Mae
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
Super 16mm color neg
Aspect ratio