Several shots from different angles of inside Paul Sauvé Arena, where crowd of Parti Québécois supporters have gathered the night of the provincial election (13/04/81), when PQ was voted in; includes several shots of excited crowd waving flags and posters, as well as shots of stage where the results are being displayed. CS of minister Pierre-Marc Johnson going up to mike and addressing crowd. CS of board displaying results. PAN to CS of Johnson. CS of minister Bernard Landry addressing crowd. CS of Premier René Lévesque and wife Corinne Côté-Levesque stepping up to mike to give a speech; ZOOM OUT to MCS. CSs, PAN of photographers in room. CUs of Côté-Lévesque; ZOOM OUT to CS of Lévesque addressing crowd; ZOOM OUT to MCS. CU of Lévesque's face partially hidden by mikes. ZOOM OUT to MCS of Lévesque and Côté-Lévesque on stage with immense banner behind them reading "QUEBEC VA RESTER FORT" (jump cuts).