Conservative Convention (30/09/1948): exterior shots of coliseum at Landsdowne Park in Ottawa, sign over entrance re "Progressive Conservative National Convention September 30, October 1, 2". Shots of signs bearing slogans, names of candidates: Donald Fleming, John G Diefenbaker, George Drew. Sequence at registration counter, delegates registering. CUs of papers being filled out, registration certificates, of lapel ribbon belonging to delegate from Montreal. Sequence on George Drew arriving, filling up registration certificate and other papers, getting lapel ribbon pinned on by girl. Cut to delegates sitting in convention hall, mostly elderly women as yet, listening to people talking in floor microphone. Shots of speakers at floor microphones, first one being Davie Fulton. Shots of listeners, of girl. Various shots of John Bracken and wife arriving preceded by two pipers, cheering crowd. Shots of George Drew and wife arriving, of John Diefenbaker and wife arriving. Shots of principals on dais before things get under way, of convention chairman JM MacDonnell welcoming delegates to platform. Snatches of cheers, pipe music on soundtrack.