Montreal-Lachine railway centennary: Governor general Alexander walking with RC Vaughan, President of Canadian National Railway arriving at Central Station. Sequence on drill put on by Vimy Patrol of the Canadian Legion, on inspection by Governor general. Arrival at the old Bonaventure Station. Sequence on unveiling of plaque commemorating 100th anniversary of railway by Governor general Alexander. Sequence on ribbon cutting ceremony by mayor Camilien Houde as Governor general and party stand by, christening of new buffet car "Montreal". Shots of girls in period costumes, of young girl presenting bouquet to Houle and getting kiss in return. LS of Bonaventure Station. Governor general and party boarding train. CU of name "Canadian National" on side of car. Sequence on steam train leaving, arriving. TRAVELLING SHOTs along way to Lachine. Unveiling of cairn at original station in Lachine by Honorable Edouard Asselin, Provincial Government leader. (22/10/1947)